Saturday, August 4, 2012

Come Away With Me...

Oh my goodness. I think I almost forgot my login info! I'm embarrassed at how long it has taken me to write a post. I have gotten way lazy at my blogging this summer. But I feel a wave of inspiration and dedication coming upon me. I think this fall it's going to happen. I'm going to commit to blogging regularly (at least that's the plan!) Well, at any rate, I thought I'd start my new era of blogging out by sharing some moments from my day trip to the mountains of good ole NC. Me and the hubby drove up a few hours today to get away. It's great up there! So sad it took me so long to make the trip, but I am oh so glad I did. 

It is amazingly beautiful there!

(That's my crazy husband out there on the tip of that boulder that's hanging over a huge drop off. He may or may not have jumped the fence to get out to the point. Lord help me!)

This is some lake that I was supposed to remember the name of....however I did not.

Lovely day. Nice Escape. But good to be home.


  1. "He may or may not have jumped the fence" haha! That part cracks me up!! I'm so glad you finally got to venture around Boone!

    1. haha I know ;) Boone one day and tubing down the Dan the next! We were all over the place!

  2. That's NC!!!? I can't believe it. The pictures are too beautiful. What mountain area is this?

    1. It is! These were taken off the Blue Ridge Parkway... right outside of Boone!


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